
Wednesday 8 May 2013

There's a rubber ducky in the harbour!

Have you seen the latest art piece that has floated into Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour?


This is 16.5 meter tall inflatable Rubber Duck is Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman's creation which has been traveling around the world since 2007. Hong Kong is the latest stop in his showcase. This duck has also made appearances in St. Nazaire (FR), Sao Paulo (BR), Auckland (NZ), Hasselt (BE),Osaka and Hiroshima (JP), Sydney (AUS), Nürnberg (DE), Amsterdam (NL).

I decided to brave the crowds this past weekend to check out this unique exhibition. Since the duck is anchored at the pier everyone was packed at the entrance of Ocean Terminal, Harbour City. Being in the huge crowd was definitely a new experience. It was literally wall to wall people and I slowly inched my way along the corridor while taking some photos along the way.
I completely under estimated the size of the crowd that would gather to see the opening weekend of the Rubber Duck Exhibition (Photo: CathC)

I have to say the people here are very entrepreneurial. I came across a bunch of different "Rubber Duck" themed restaurant menus; yellowed coloured crocs, rubber duck toys everywhere inside the mall.

The exhibition really was an interesting idea. Even though I'm not an art critic I enjoyed the contrast of the idly floating, child like (almost comical) ducky and the skyline of HK's high strung financial district. The only thing that would have made the exhibition even more special is if the ducky had actually floated across the  ocean as it traveled from city to city, rather than being inflated at each site. But seeing the cheery Rubber Duck really made my day, and I'm glad I went down to check it out in person.

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